Bounce Back and Build Your Network

Home/News/Bounce Back and Build Your Network

January 30, 2022

Written by: Lance Lunsford

By Kevin Stevenson
ACHE Central Texas Chapter President
Director, Strategic Operations |Ascension Providence

One of the benefits of being a member of ACHE is the ability to actively engage with colleagues through the local chapter, building insight from others’ experiences, and establishing firm relationships in the market.

The Central Texas Chapter’s upcoming event will provide face-to-face education as well as those networking opportunities coming up on Friday, Feb. 11th in Waco.  Members can earn three F2F hours with influential health care leaders like Joel Allison, who will share their insights on telemedicine and innovative disruption.

Baylor University’s Hankamer School of Business is graciously hosting this event from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. with lunch provided.  Afterward, we will move to the legendary Waco hotspot, Vitek’s, for networking and fellowship and, if you’re up for it, their famous Gut Pak!

To register, go to  I hope to see many of you on the 11th.

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